Summer Orzo Salad

The weather this week in Istanbul has taken a complete turn to Autumn.  I guess they got the memo here that summer officially ended this past weekend.  We’ve had cold, windy, and rainy days that have started making me excited for the recipes of Fall. Ok, who am I kidding, I’ve been excited all summer.  My favorite season is here…..But before I get all crazy with pumpkin  and apple everything, I’m going to share one last summer recipe.  Maybe one of my most favorite of all.  I’ve been making my Summer Orzo Salad for years without too much variation.  If you have any ripe, sweet baby tomatoes left, this is a perfect way to use them up.   Read more

Easy Refrigerator Dill Pickles

It’s been a while since I posted and with only ten days left of summer,  I’m going to try and share as many of our favorite recipes from these last couple months as I can.

Ok, I know what you might be thinking.  Pickles, really?  Or, why make pickles?  There are so many good ones out there to buy…Have you tried making your own pickles?  If you haven’t, I recommend giving it a go.  They’re super easy to make and taste pretty darn delicious and you can totally tailor the spices to your hearts desire.  Now, I’ll admit, my interest in making them came about from a need, more than an initial desire.  In my quest for organic pickles here in Istanbul, I only found one option over at Eataly (I love that place.)  I was so excited to bring them home and open them up.  Unfortunately, we weren’t fans.  The flavor was quite different than we were used to.  And during the warmer days of summer, a crisp cold pickle sometimes just hits the spot whether it’s for snacking straight out of the jar or complimenting a sandwich or juicy burger.  So, I turned to making my own.  Man, was I so glad I did. Read more

Black Bean & Mango Quinoa Salad

This quinoa salad is super quick to throw together and such a great meal option.  It’s perfectly satisfying as a quick lunch throughout the week or a light and healthy dinner on top of some greens with a little extra drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lime juice.  It also packs beautifully to bring to your next summer BBQ or picnic.  The extra bonus of it being vegan, dairy free, gluten free, and nut free makes it a true crowd pleaser.  Read more